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El Salvador International Airport Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez,, previously known as Comalapa International Airport is an airport that serves to San Salvador, El Salvador. It is located in the south central area of the country, in the city of San Luis Talpa, Department of La Paz, and occupies a triangular plain of 2519.8 acres, which borders the Pacific Ocean to the south, to the east with the Jiboa river, and to the northwest with the coastal highway. Being close to sea level, it allows aircraft to operate efficiently at maximum capacity. It is connected to the capital of San Salvador, El Salvador through a modern four-lane motorway, with 42 kilometers travel in an average time of 30 minutes.
It is the third of Central America in movement of passengers with 3,411,015 annually, counted without methodology, suggested by ICAO. It is classified as category 1 by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States and is certified by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Official web-site: http://www.aeropuertoelsalvador.gob.sv/Below you will find the most popular airports in El Salvador
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